Kracherl tax for Austria

A study presented by the Ministry of Health on the health effects of a sugar tax on drinks shows that it is suitable for reducing sugar consumption and having a positive impact on health. foodwatch has now launched a petition to increase the pressure on politicians to implement a sugar tax.
"The figures speak for themselves: sugary drinks contribute significantly to obesity - the consequences are serious. It is high time that Austria acted and paved the way to a healthier future with a "Kracherl tax", demands Indra Kley-Schöneich from foodwatch. Obesity is no longer a marginal phenomenon: in Austria, 3.7 million adults are affected. It is particularly alarming that one in three boys and one in four girls of primary school age weigh too much. Possible secondary diseases range from type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases to dementia and certain types of cancer.
One of the main culprits: sugary drinks. Scientific studies show that sweet soft drinks play a central role in the development of obesity. The World Health Organization (WHO) has therefore been recommending a tax on sugary drinks for years. More than 50 countries have already introduced a sugar tax on drinks. In the UK, the sugar content of drinks has fallen drastically since its introduction in 2018. While a large glass of Fanta contains 51.5 grams of sugar in Austria, it contains 22.5 grams in the UK. Just one year after the introduction, British children consumed over 50 percent less sugar from soft drinks and other sweet drinks.
Act now - protect your health
In this country too, the Ministry of Health sees the sweetener tax as an effective measure in the fight against obesity. It should be ensured that substituting sweeteners is not an adequate means of circumventing the sugar tax. However, there has been a lack of concrete steps so far. "In view of the alarming figures and the successes of other countries, foodwatch is calling on the incoming federal government to tackle the implementation of the tax in Austria without delay," says Kley-Schöneich. By signing the new petition, every citizen can support the call for a "Kracherl tax" and thus a healthier future for Austria.