Childcare in Burgenland

Many positive developments for children have taken place in Burgenland over the last five years. One of the most remarkable changes is the nationwide availability of high-quality and free childcare. This means that parents in Burgenland can now find good care for their children in many places without having to pay for it.

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This development is a clear sign that the government in Burgenland is taking responsibility for its children and is committed to their future. By offering free childcare, it enables parents to return to work without any financial burden. This not only strengthens families, but also contributes to the economic development of the region.

In addition to free childcare, there are other supportive measures such as free tutoring, lunch subsidies and free English lessons. All these initiatives show that Burgenland supports the next generation and invests in their best possible development.


These efforts are not only important for today's children, but also for the future of Burgenland as a whole. By investing in the education and care of children, society is laying the foundations for a successful future. It is a clear signal that Burgenland cares about its children and is thinking about their future.


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