UN Sustainable Development Goal #10: Reduce inequalities

Reducing inequality within and between countries

All people should actually have the same rights and opportunities, for example access to education and healthcare as well as social and economic participation. However, many people around the world are denied these equal opportunities due to poverty. This also applies to gender equality and the distribution of wealth.


"If we were to increase the wealth of the lower half to 1.5 or two percent, we would have achieved as much for the poor as with 30 years of growth, and that without exceeding the planetary boundaries any further."

Thomas Pogge, Professor of Philosophy


Great inequality leads to the destabilization of democracies and hinders our general development. Economic growth alone is not enough, as it must be fairly distributed in order to be sustainable.


The goals of SDGs 10 to 2030 at a glance:

  • By 2030, the income growth of the poorest 40 percent of the population should be above the national average in each case
  • All people - regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, origin or social and economic status - should have equal opportunities
  • Discriminatory laws and policies should be abolished
  • Take measures such as pro-poor social policy, pro-equality wage and fiscal policy
  • More say for developing countries in international financial and economic organizations
  • Orderly, safe, responsible and regular migration and mobility




Facts about inequality:

  • Around 80% of people worldwide live without social security
  • In 2017, 1% of the population owned a third of the world's wealth
  • 71% of the population lives in countries where inequality is growing
  • 258 million children and young people have no access to education
  • The Covid-19 pandemic has reversed much of the progress already made in reducing income inequality
  • Meanwhile, the estimated wealth of all billionaires has increased by 50%


The climate crisis can only be overcome through interlinked social, economic and ecological measures, a "transformation of the world".




17 Destinations Germany

SDG Watch Austria

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Further link:

The UN resolution on the 2030 Agenda in German