What to give when you have everything

Every year again - the search for the perfect gift. At a time when we should be turning our backs on the consumer mania that many of us can't really afford anyway, this mania is somehow absurd.


If we're honest, most of us have almost everything anyway (ask yourself from time to time what you actually need for a happy life - but that gets pretty philosophical).

Nevertheless, we try hard to buy things that will bring a smile to our loved ones' faces... and we put up with a lot for that.

Apart from overcrowded shopping centers, the responsibility for emissions, exploitation and insane transport routes in the relevant online trade.

And what is it all for? For the brief joy of unpacking - which is often actually the end of it, because in our throwaway society many more of these things end up in the bin sooner or later to become even more of a burden on the system.


How can you do it better?

Those who can draw on the full range of products are well advised to choose high-quality pieces produced by local companies that are neither short-lived nor well-traveled.

If you don't have this privilege, you could also give homemade gifts. The trend in this direction is getting stronger and stronger and we appreciate more what someone makes for us.

So if you have a knack for preserving jams, baking fruit bread or making liqueur, you can start today... it's not too late for some things!



Gifts such as sponsorships for children or endangered species, a goat that gives an entire family a better life or a piece of land that is thus protected with all its biodiversity, also bring joy to the recipient and give even more than that - real hope.

We also particularly like zero-waste gifts. These are gifts that can help us to reduce the amount of waste we produce.

Keep-warm bottles or coffee cups, snack boxes or cruet dishes, as well as beeswax cloths for wrapping small meals are wonderful and really useful options that are sure to bring joy under the Christmas tree.


Overall, we'd like to say it's not about the amount, nor the sum - it's about showing our loved ones that we value them... even a simple letter would be suitable for that.💚