Who can afford the climate crisis?

According to the Club of Rome, the climate crisis cannot be tackled without maximum social justice. How is this connected? At first glance, it is not so easy to see.


The climate crisis puts all other difficulties in a sharper light, because what the great band KRAFTKLUB simply states "... with 390 euros Hartz you don't get far in the organic market (...)" is a clear truth that is hard to shake.


So is climate protection a matter for people from the middle class upwards? Whereby - we recently found a study according to which the "rich" have the highest CO2 consumption(we wrote about it)... so that's not true again.


So that's the reason why social justice and damage limitation go hand in hand when it comes to the climate. If you have a solid basic income, you can also afford to shop more carefully, for example*.


In any case, the fact is that if the crisis worsens, the situation will worsen for all of us - and the socially disadvantaged will have no buffer to absorb this. The climate crisis is therefore making the poor poorer and the weak weaker weaker - whether in the industrialized world, where storms and floods can destroy livelihoods, or in the global South, where droughts and water shortages are impoverishing entire regions.


A civil society is stronger when the livelihoods of its citizens and the well-being of future generations are secured.


So we hope for the awareness that should animate us from NOW at the latest - because it always revolves around the same question: WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT?


pro.earth conclusion:

Despite all the drama, this could be an invaluable opportunity. 💚


*What should always be clear in the back of our minds, however, is that the abundance of recent decades has primarily created mountains of waste and dissatisfaction - recognizing what we really "need" would be essential. Perhaps a slice of meat, bought well once a week, tastes better than indulging in meat lust every day without thinking about it.


#proearth #actioninsteadofspeech #future #climate #socialjustice