What are the characteristics of a good life?

Financial independence? Freedom? Good health? A good social network? A stable partnership? Parenthood? A respected profession? Enough free time? See the sea once a year? Love? Security?

Have the requirements for the so-called "good life" changed?

We clearly say YES.

War, a pandemic, inflation, unemployment, the rising cost of living and, above all, the climate crisis - perhaps the most unpredictable of all the factors that are undoubtedly already quite unpredictable.

The forge of Damocles swords is running at full speed. The fact that young people see themselves as the "last generation" is hardly surprising, even if it is devastating in an unprecedented dimension.

We have thought about what we long for, what we want to leave to our children and grandchildren and have come to one conclusion: SAFETY.

It would be a balm for our troubled souls - but that's not how life works.


Where is its definition heading?

The good life probably no longer means the latest sports car, the 30-meter yacht, the Rolex, not the secure job or the detached house on the outskirts of town. It has changed - perhaps it is also in the process of focusing on the essentials.

The good life in our times means leaving the world better than when we received it.

Well, that's no easy task, but we want to do everything we can to achieve it. In many ways.


How can we get out of the downward spiral?

Quite clearly. In the reversal from reaction to action.

Those who feel powerless in the face of arbitrariness perceive life as an uncertain undertaking.

But those who take action, take the reins, think about how certain areas of life can be adapted to the current situation and constantly check their suitability for the future, who are also prepared to throw decades of ingrained and cherished habits overboard and create new ones, and who do all this without giving themselves over to a whiny victim role, are creating something very personal for themselves.