So today in Austria we have used up the resources we would have had available for the year

After all, it is already April 6.

Happy World Overshoot Day!

If we give it its German name, its meaning suddenly becomes more vivid: the day of exhaustion.

"Overshoot Day marks the day on which all the resources that the planet can regenerate within a year have been used up. As soon as they are used up, we are living at the expense of future generations," says Anna Leitner, spokesperson for supply chains and resources at GLOBAL 2000.

Worldwide, but also in Austria, this day is increasingly tending to slip to the beginning of the year - frightening!

If everyone lived like we do, we would need almost four planets to satisfy our hunger for resources.


And now?

So from now on we are living at our children's expense - except that they themselves have to pay back the loan with horrendous interest.

In order to make the world more liveable for future generations, this day must be postponed as far back as possible.


And how?

Rethinking our way of life would be the biggest step, because according to our latest research, the system can only be broken up from within, if at all.

Anyone who knows about the supply chains of smartphones, waste production in the clothing industry or millions of kilometers of fishing lines in the sea will ideally approach the demands of everyday life and voting decisions differently - and that would not be the much-publicized step backwards. The opposite is the case. conclusion: