Wintertime is the time to dream of new things

There's snow outside, the garden and balcony are dormant. What do we #Beetschwestern do during this time, which is supposed to be the quietest time of the year? We watch English gardening shows like "Gardener's World" with the much-loved Monty Don or "Garden Rescue" with the Rich Brothers, browse through gardening books and dream about what we want to try out in the garden next year.


Our gardens and balconies are as different as we humans are. That's what makes them so exciting. No two are the same. How wonderful! Anyone who has ever been on a gardening trip - to the local area or a distant country - knows how different they are and comes back with lots of new impressions, some aha moments and inspiration. And then the question arises:


What do I want?

It is important that we think carefully about how we want to use our garden or balcony. And how much time we have available for this area. If we take on too much and then fail, it could take the joy out of doing and trying things out. That would be a great pity.

  • Do I want to go in the direction of self-sufficiency?
  • Or create a paradise for animals?
  • A space to linger in that requires little work?
  • Giving space to my love of roses (or whatever)
  • Cooking outside
  • Celebrate many festivals
  • This list can be continued indefinitely


We should be able to enjoy our piece of earth in the open air. And also create places where we can retreat or relax. For example, in addition to an outdoor couch, we #Beetschwestern have also installed large hanging chairs on the cherry tree, which are one of our favorite spots. It's easy to enjoy the garden there and let the clouds drift by. Natural gardens are also about letting things be and giving nature space. And also to observe.


What projects do you want to tackle next year?

Maybe create a swimming pond. Or a no-dig vegetable patch. Or a small "orchard" - a fruit meadow with different varieties. Or a flower meadow consisting of different types of perennials. Or create a permaculture garden. In any case, plan a manageable size so that the joy outweighs the frustration.


There are endless possibilities, but not all of them make sense. We have to take into account the climatic conditions, our budget, the amount of work involved and also the aspect of sustainability in our planning. Then nothing stands in the way of an exciting new gardening year!