Current climate report: On the brink of an irreversible climate catastrophe
Despite better knowledge, according to the analysis of an international team of scientists, the most important factors influencing our climate on Earth have negatively...
Despite better knowledge, according to the analysis of an international team of scientists, the most important factors influencing our climate on Earth have negatively...
As soon as the lawnmowers fall silent, a different kind of noise can be heard in the neighboring gardens. Autumn is also the time for leaf blowers...
The evergreen climbing plant is very popular with all insects because it flowers at a time of year when there are hardly any...
Withered herbs and perennials, the trees and shrubs are shedding their leaves. For us #Beetschwestern there is now a lot to...
What's keeping us #Beetschwestern here in eastern Austria on our toes at the moment is the clean-up work after the extreme weather of the past few days....
At the moment we #Beetwestern have to cut back quite a lot. Faded roses, perennials, climbing plants that want to take over the world and the like....
Summer is coming to an end - it's hard to believe given the high temperatures. And the...
Thistles. That's what we #Beetschwestern want to write about today. Because we are addicted to them. And they bring us such joy! We know...
Since the wonderful Hedge Day initiative was launched in the eastern provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, as well as the newly added province of Carinthia,...
As the number of plant species threatened with extinction is high and continues to rise, particularly because the habitats for many plants are...