One thing is clear - the world as we know it will change. What remains for mankind is the possibility of containing the extent of the change. Even global warming of 1.5 degrees will not be without consequences - but they would be far easier to cope with than anything else.


In addition to the so-called tipping points, the consequences of which would be catastrophic for the whole of humanity, there is also a creeping dynamic with no less frightening results.

They increase as the temperature target is exceeded.

"3 degrees of global warming would be the end of human civilization"

Sea level rise, for example, is a very suitable topic.

The melting of the polar ice caps and the expansion of the warmer seawater are the reasons for the rise in sea levels.

This has a major impact on the consequences of storm surges. These are not least the salinization of the soil.

This directly affects around 200 million people worldwide, as they live in low-lying coastal areas. After all, 30 of the world's 50 largest cities are located by the sea.

Some people are not fully aware of the connection between agriculture and global food security. However, as it is very much present, the food supply is being massively weakened by the climate crisis.


Climate protection briefly explained

The buzzword has become an integral part of our everyday lives. The climate needs to be protected - and perhaps the Homo Sapiens species as a result. We want to get to the heart of what this actually means, because the per capita footprint simply has to become smaller.

This means a reorientation of society as a whole:

  • Transport concepts need to be rethought
  • Energy must come from renewable sources
  • Consumer behavior must be drastically changed
  • Agriculture must go organic on a large scale

These measures must be reorganized in all their subtopics. Then there really is a chance.💚

1.5 versus 2 degrees global warming - the difference is that dramatic