Those who live "environmentally consciously" often have the highest energy consumption

As we explained in our post "The richer the more harmful to the climate", there is a strong correlation between income and energy consumption. A study by the German Federal Environment Agency takes a closer look at the German situation.

The following conclusions were drawn:
➡️Je higher the income and level of formal education, the higher the consumption of resources. It is twice as high in the highest income bracket as in the lowest.
➡️Männer consume more on average than women.
The more people living in a household, the lower the per capita consumption.
➡️Viele underestimate their personal energy consumption
➡️ Looking at all areas of consumption, it can be seen that the more positive the environmental attitudes are, the higher the energy consumption; this is only not the case for food
➡️Geografisch Overall energy consumption is significantly higher in the west than in the east, and higher in the south than in the north
➡️Einkommensschwache Households have the lowest resource consumption in many areas due to a lack of financial resources
➡️Ein Fifth of the population is consciously frugal and has the lowest consumption in many areas alongside low-income households

The conclusion of the survey is as follows:
Strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions should come from the upper middle and upper classes, because reducing them has the most positive effects there.
"High resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are found precisely in social milieus that verbally acknowledge their social responsibility and in which positive environmental attitudes and the knowledge that it is necessary to use resources sparingly are widespread," says the study. The problem therefore lies in not recognizing the value of one's own energy consumption. A change in values is needed throughout society and a "reorientation towards a sustainable way of life", the study continues.

Our conclusion: We are responsible. The more we earn and spend, the more "impact" we have on current and future life. First, we need to recognize where we stand with our personal consumption and then draw the right conclusions in order to take direct action on the key drivers such as heating, housing, cars, travel, food and consumption and transform our lives in these areas in particular. However, this can only work in a truly sustainable way if it is embedded in a scenario of change for society as a whole.

#resource consumption #energy #climate #greenhouse gas emissions