Tips for designing a permaculture garden

We Beetschwestern think that permaculture is a great way to generate natural yields in your own kitchen garden.
The basic motto is: Observe and act!


🥬 Avoid using any kind of chemical fertilizer and use compost and natural fertilizers instead


🥬Cover your beds with a layer of mulch, this saves water and reduces weeds. This mulch layer can consist of straw, garden fiber, wood chips or elephant grass chaff


🥬Mix types of vegetables together, for example place nasturtiums and marigolds in between to minimize pest infestation


🥬Use single-variety and perennial vegetables so that you can grow them from seed the following year and don't have to replant everything every year with perennials


🥬Collect rainwater and use it for irrigation

🥬Use the tier principle: permaculture makes maximum use of space, for example, beans climb up corn or vines climb up trees, root vegetables grow next to leafy vegetables, etc.


🥬The soil is not dug up but only loosened with a fork, if at all


Dead or uprooted plant parts can be spread directly on the beds, where they are converted into fertilizer by the microorganisms


In our experience, you have to be bold and simply try things out!


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