New Year's resolutions with a difference ...

I hate them. Actually, I do. No, I don't want to get slimmer, fitter or younger. New Year's resolutions. But different this time. This year I'm resolving to reduce my own carbon footprint. We've already written a lot about climate tips. There's also a dedicated section (#handelnstattreden). So as not to take on too much at once, here are my very personal MUST-HAVE climate resolutions for 2023:


  • Eat less meat

I still can't manage to give up (organic) meat. Especially as I'm a bad cook who prepares well-rehearsed, often repeated standard meals for my large family, which often include meat. I want to change this. Which means a lot of effort on my part. Looking for new ideas. Try them out. Incorporate them into my daily routine if I like them. If I don't like it, back to the start.


  • Do without the car more often

As we live in a rural area here, changing to public transport is sometimes impossible, sometimes takes a lot of extra time and is sometimes very inconvenient. I'm going to do it anyway. The bike will cover many more kilometers in 2023. With an extra shopping basket on it. To the metropolis by train. Have to allow for an extra two hours there and back. Have to be at the station at a certain time, otherwise wait an hour. No more miserable search for a parking space. I can manage that.


  • Only buy the essentials

I'm already doing quite well for myself (but there's still room for improvement). But for my many children, I need a lot of persuasion and education. Saying no. Looking for alternatives. A real challenge for the coming year. Considering how big a part consumption plays in the footprint, I have to, er, will massively improve my performance in this regard. I try. I can.


I'd rather not make any more resolutions at the moment, otherwise I'll give up too quickly. The three resolutions sound simple, yes eh, but so far I've always fallen back into old patterns after the first few attempts. I admit it. The situation is serious and I'm taking it seriously. And show my children that it can be done. In steps.