Baked oatmeal - a breakfast with a difference

We know that a hot breakfast is good for us, especially if it is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. And when it tastes so delicious, it's actually perfect.


This dish was a big hit at my pre-Christmas family brunch last weekend. Now that I've published the recipe in the family WhatsApp group in response to several requests, I'm doing the same for you - I'm sure you'll love it.

It is particularly suitable for larger groups as it is very substantial. For 2-4 people, I would halve the recipe - depending on what else is available for breakfast.


Why oatmeal for breakfast?

For many people, breakfast oatmeal is the ultimate way to start the day in a healthy way - but why?

Firstly, oatmeal is rich in fiber, which keeps us full for a long time and regulates our metabolism.

Oats are also a valuable source of antioxidants. It has a positive effect on cholesterol levels and the immune system. They consist of 70 percent long-chain carbohydrates, which provide the body with the right energy for the day.

They balance blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

AND taste simply delicious when prepared correctly.


What we need

180 g oat flakes

100 g peeled, halved almonds

(at least) 2 teaspoons of cinnamon

1 teaspoon baking powder

some vanilla

a pinch of salt

3 tbsp butter or margarine

who likes: 1 egg

Honey or agave syrup according to taste

½ l oat milk

500 g frozen berries (I love raspberries)

1 banana


  • Preheat the oven to 190 degrees top/bottom heat
  • Mix the dry ingredients together
  • Place half the frozen berries and half the banana in a greased dish
  • Sprinkle the oat mixture on top
  • Now stir the wet ingredients (milk, half the butter or margarine, egg) until frothy and pour over the mixture
  • Finally, top with the rest of the fruit and the second half of the butter or margarine and bake in the oven
  • Bake for 45 minutes and serve lukewarm



There is no limit to your imagination when it comes to fruit or nuts.