fussballreisen.com is a bee sponsor!

Targeted for nature: 🐝🌲 fussballreisen.com steps up its commitment - The Klimafitwald is delighted about the loyal bee sponsorships!


By promoting ecological diversity, fussballreisen.com makes a significant contribution to the preservation of important habitats and thus to the protection of nature. As a supporter of the bee project in the Klimafitwald forest, all of this is possible.


The "Bees in the forest" project

Ecological balance is not possible without bees as pollinators. This fact gives bees an essential role in the ecosystem. Diverse habitats are the basis for a stable bee population.

Bees are endangered worldwide due to the loss of their habitats and the massive use of pesticides. The Carnica bee has been native to Carinthia since time immemorial and is perfectly adapted to the local conditions. In their flight area, they find a richly structured, pesticide-free landscape in the Klimafitwald forest that meets their needs exactly.


Bees and their tasks

  • As pollinators, they contribute significantly to the reproduction of plants.
  • Around a third of our food depends directly on their pollination work.
  • Bees are crucial for biodiversity, as they contribute to the reproduction of numerous tree and plant species.



As a bee sponsor of the Klimafitwald, fussballreisen.com not only enables the preservation and restoration of the forest, but also contributes to the creation of a harmonious mixed forest. This not only enriches nature, but also sustainably improves the quality of life in the entire region.

fussballreisen.com is proud to be part of this important project and invites customers and partners to join them on this journey and discover the fascinating world of "bees in the forest" together.


Find out more about fussballreisen.com: fussballreisen.com