Find free fruit and nuts in the area

Finding natural resources with open eyes

There are fruit and nut trees everywhere in the landscape that we can use as valuable foodstuffs

Today's climate tip is based on self-experience. Nothing is better than apricot jam made from really ripe fruit lying on the ground. If you don't have a tree in your garden, you can look for trees in the neighborhood with lots of fruit on the ground. And ask the owner. Many are happy.

Or drive past by chance and stop and ring the bell and ask. Like today. The lady immediately agreed. She was even happy, because the crowd completely overwhelmed her. You can see the result in the photo.

Or you walk past a harvested potato field on your daily walk with your four-legged friends, where many kilos of potatoes have simply been left lying around. A bag would come in handy here.

On the website you can search for fruit trees and much more in your own area as well as enter locations of fruit, nuts, berries and herbs. The map covers the whole of Central Europe.