Ways to age well

We are getting older - how wonderful! We see this as a wonderful reason to take a closer look at ageing and think about how we want to spend it.


We are based on the realization that our future is largely in our own hands.

In our youth-fixated world, we all too often forget that the more mature years also come with life experience, prudence and, after rearing a brood, more time to develop one's own personality.

So what could be the basis for ageing well?


We could cultivate these 6 habits if we wanted to make the most of life and ageing:

Think positive

Our attitude, the way we welcome old age into our lives, makes all the difference. The more positively we approach this inevitable development, the more it will enrich our lives.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, people who experience ageing as a source of life experience and satisfaction recover more quickly from illness than people who associate age primarily with negative feelings.

Age is more than the loss of youth - when we see this, we can simply enjoy life more intensely.



From the age of 30, we lose up to 23 percent of our muscle mass over the course of our lives, says Fabio Comana from the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

You don't just have to accept this. Some people only find the joy of regular exercise later in life. It's definitely enriching - whether it's dance, athletics, yoga or hiking - the important thing is that an active lifestyle is simply more fun.

AND: If you exercise a lot, you also keep your brain fit.



How you age depends to a large extent on it.

Find your own way. There are an infinite number of approaches that lead to a healthy balance - we advise against patent remedies. It is important to be aware that certain foods can accelerate the ageing process. However, mentioning sugar and fat at this point is too simple for us, as this topic is almost unbeatable in terms of complexity.



Those who approach their surroundings and the world with an open mind will certainly get more out of life. People with a thirst for knowledge and interest who are prepared to expose themselves to new and unfamiliar things or deal with them remain mentally flexible and do not freeze into an eternal "staleness".


Interpersonal bonds

Friends and family - preferably from different generations - help you to stay fit and healthy for longer and, of course, happy. People with strong social ties live longer and are happier - we know this in principle, but several studies have also come to this conclusion.


Comfort zone expansion

Take care of yourself and your limits but also dare to do something - those who leave their comfort zone from time to time feel more alive and clearly counteract a certain boredom that is sometimes attributed to old age. Voluntary work, membership of a club or further training can extend our boundaries into old age and allow us to participate actively in life.