What to do when ozone levels are high?

Increased allergic reactions and asthma, difficult breathing, feelings of oppression, increased irritation and even inflammation of the mucous membranes and airways - these are just some of the symptoms that can occur with high ozone exposure.


It is particularly important for people at risk to observe a few things in order to get through days when the limit values are exceeded.


When are ozone levels high?

As a rule of thumb, from three days of intense sunshine in a row from May to October, increased ozone pollution can be expected and the limit value is often exceeded.

Detailed information on the current level of pollution at the individual measuring points can be found on the website of the Federal Environment Agency at www.umweltbundesamt.at/ozon-aktuell#O3_1 for Austria and www.umweltbundesamt.de/daten/luft/luftdaten for Germany.

Why is ozone so unhealthy?

Ozone is actually an irritant gas. It can penetrate into the deepest regions of the lungs. There it reacts with both the delicate alveoli and the deep lung tissue.

It is assumed that at low concentrations below 100 µg/m³ (micrograms per cubic meter of air), ozone does not represent any significant pollution. This changes as the values rise. Sensitive people or those weakened by previous illnesses experience symptoms caused by the higher ozone concentration. Others find even higher values to be completely harmless - this is completely individual.

Experts agree that ozone can increase pollution from other air pollutants (e.g. particulate matter or cigarette smoke) as well as the aggressiveness of pollen.


What to do when ozone levels are high?

A "normal" stay outdoors, e.g. walking, swimming or having a picnic, is also safe for sensitive people. They should inform themselves in particular about the further course of the ozone concentration in the area where they are staying. Further individual protective measures are only necessary if the alarm threshold is exceeded.

Due to the increased ozone pollution, it is advisable to avoid non-essential car journeys and use public transport. As far as possible, this should become the natural reaction to such limit value exceedances. 💚