Spring lures us into the woods

But many of us don't know how to behave (anymore). We are happy to help you with rules of conduct that we miss from our grandfathers.

"He's not doing anything!!!" - Walking with the dog

Contrary to all temptation, it is essential to keep dogs on the lead when walking in the woods and meadows: DOGS ON THE LEAD.

This is not only because of the other walkers, but also out of consideration for the other forest dwellers, who are often looking after their offspring in spring, which doesn't necessarily make them any more relaxed.

Behavior when encountering a wild boar

The most likely of all encounters in our climes is with a wild boar. This is actually quite harmless, although the imposing appearance can sometimes make your heart sink.

The wild boar is a shy animal in itself, but if it has young, the tide can certainly turn.

In such a case we advise:

  • Keep calm
  • Do not turn your back on the animal
  • Retreat slowly and give the animal the opportunity to escape
  • If the situation is more threatening, climb the nearest tree or (if available) a high stand

Encounter with the wolf

A meeting with Master Isegrim is relatively unlikely, but still within the realms of possibility.

Since humans are not on their menu, even this is rather harmless.

Here, too, calm is the best companion - if you feel insecure, you can make yourself tall with the help of a sweater or jacket or clap your hands loudly.

In such a case, all types of image addiction are strongly discouraged. The fact that selfies with the wolf are not advisable is LOGICAL.



Of course, we take everything we bring back with us. NOTHING (not even banana peels or handkerchiefs) is left behind in the forest.


Please do not bring a jukebox - we do not necessarily recommend the use of headphones, as the sounds in the forest contribute greatly to relaxation.


Now nothing stands in the way of a dip in the forest. 🌳