Grandma's chicken soup - a treat for body and soul

At the beginning of the great wave of colds, we would therefore like to sing a hymn to the essence of love and well-being.


Ever since I was a child, any kind of cold or general malaise has been accompanied by the smell of chicken soup, because it was my grandmother's panacea for all kinds of physical and mental ailments - and there is a reason for this that can be scientifically proven.

Chicken soup works like an antibiotic - according to my grandma, even better - and I agree with her. Because what should not be neglected is the feeling of being caressed, inside and out. The soothing steam and aroma work wonders.


Why does chicken soup act like an antibiotic?

Research by the Medical Center of the US University of Nebraska has shown that it is the protein cysteine that strengthens the cells, fights viruses and counteracts inflammation.

Chicken meat also contains zinc, which strengthens the immune system and fights pathogens.

Steam and heat are always good, as they make life difficult for heat-sensitive viruses and moisturize the mucous membranes. Of course, any soup or hot drink also has this effect. This is another reason why inhalation is an important part of my grandma's anti-sickness measures.

And the recipe?

Now, of course, you all want my grandmother's recipe for the soup that restores body and soul.

The prerequisite for this is an ethically reared, happy soup chicken. All other ingredients are also sourced from responsible, naturally organic farming.


What we need

Soup vegetables: I never buy the potpourri of root vegetables and sadly hanging parsley that is commonly sold as soup vegetables - it's always far too little and the mixing ratio isn't right. So:


Yellow turnips

At least ½ celery root


Parsley roots or parsnips

2 onions WITH peel


A thumb-sized piece of ginger

Lovage (always fresh in summer)

Salt, peppercorns


❤ First cut the onion in half and fry cut side down in a hot soup pot WITHOUT adding any oil

❤ Cut the roots, ginger and leek into pieces and add with the pepper - leave to roast, the resulting aromas are essential for a successful herb soup

❤ Briefly place the washed, cleaned chicken on top of the vegetables and add water. This is also the time for lovage.

❤ Only add salt after the chicken has simmered for about 50 minutes.

❤ Then cook for as long as you like - until the desired golden hue is achieved. The longer the better.

❤ Strain and either cut the overcooked carrots and yellow turnips or newly added (if you want it crunchier) into small pieces, cut up the chicken, return the meat to the soup in small pieces, season if necessary.



I love a light lemon flavor, which is why I add a little grated lemon zest at the end as a deviation from Grandma's recipe.


Add parsley at the end and garnish as desired or simply enjoy as it is and be healthy in every way! ❤